Thorpdale Primary is situated on Gunaikurnai land.

Testimonials from Current and Past Parents

What our students’ parents  have to say about our school, from their own words.

Thorpdale Primary School is far more than just a little country school. It is a place of community, growing, learning and understanding. It prepared my children for the next stage of their education, leading them onto great opportunities.

My 3 boys have been given the tools to harness their strengths and to have resilience in stiving for their goals. We have loved being a part of the Thorpdale Primary School family.

Sanda Jennings

My name is Sharmaine McQualter. I have been an ongoing parent at Thorpdale Primary School since 2003, 20 years. I have been extremely happy with the commitment of the teachers and staff to the growth of my 6 children, academically and emotionally. My children have been more than prepared for their transition to High School, 5 of which were successful in securing a spot in the Select Entry Accelerated Learning Program at Trafalgar High School. A quote from my son in year 8 “I’m bored in Maths we are learning the same stuff I did in grade 6”. This was from the child not in the SEAL program. The small school means small class sizes, and this allows teachers to spend more time catering to every student’s educational needs. Thorpdale Primary School has a wealth of technology available to support students, bee bots, 3D printers, laptops, IPads, Interactive whiteboards and a computer lab.

Being a small school socially there is no gender or age discrimination. Children can play and socialise with whoever they want without judgement. I have never heard of a case where boys could not play with the girls or visa versa. My children have made and maintained close friendships with both genders, and this has helped them to grow into respectful teenagers and young adults.

The collaboration with younger children in the classroom during their time at Thorpdale Primary School has helped my children become leaders amongst their peers. They are patient and respectful to children younger than themselves in their sporting teams and as CFA volunteers. I am often being complemented on how much time they make for the younger members of their team or group.

The staff has always been approachable, and communication is encouraged. Parents are invited to volunteer within the school. Thorpdale Primary School’s commitment to providing an inclusive learning environment is impeccable. Small class sizes allow staff to not only focus on the academic needs of the students but also their emotional needs. I highly recommend Thorpdale Primary School.

Sharmaine McQualter

Both my daughters attended Thorpdale Primary school. To this day, at 20 and 16 years old I still credit the care and support they received at Thorpdale PS to their success.

Although a small school , the staff encourage big ambitions  ! The staff at Thorpdale 110% believed in my girls and fostered learning programs so they could be the best they could be .

The TPS is the essence of our community and the staff and parents support this by being actively involved in community events therefore showing the children how important our town is to all of us. A caring, welcoming & inclusive environment. I thoroughly recommend TPS .

Mandy Durkin